Sponsored - Get The Cheapest Internet Plan For Heavy Downloaders


This offer is for individuals, groups and companies who want large data at cheaper rates
We offer the cheapest internet service in the country and you are free to compare it with any existing network be it Mtn ,Glo,Swift, Spectranet etc.

And you should note that our service is not a tweak or backyard business and we have been offering this Data Services for the past 3 years consistently.
Please the following Internet prices have come to stay and activation is done within 15-30 minutes after payment.

12GBN4000 monthly (Can be rolled over and can also be shared to friends anywhere in Nigeria)
24GB - N6800 monthly  (Can be rolled over and can also be shared to friends anywhere in Nigeria).

UNLIMITED DATA-N20,000 (This is very useful for individuals or companies, especially cyber café owners who download huge data monthly. There is no data cap/fair usage policy which means you can download up 1terrabite of Data).

N50,000 - 100GB with a validity of 18 months (can be shared up to 5 or more friends).
These data plans works anywhere in Nigeria as long as you have glo network and also work on any device Blackberry, Android, Windows, iOS and routers.

1GB- N1200
2GB – N2300

UNLIMITED- N25000 (The unlimited currently works in Lagos,Abuja,and Ibadan and it is the fastest internet in Nigeria at the moment; we give you access to a bandwidth strength of 5mb/sec.  To also use this service you must purchase our own customized router which cost N15,000 and can cover 15 systems effectively. This service is very useful for Cybercafe owners and also Companies who need cheap but fast Unlimited data).

Spectranet sells 200GB for a whooping N70,000 you can research how much other network sell their data and compare to our prices.

NOTE our data works on all devices including iOS and Windows OS.
We also offer Unlimited Data for people who use Swift network at N3000 only but its important to note that this a vpn service. It works on both PC and android devices

To get activated Ping me on 2BE722CB or call/Whatsapp 08063408726


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