What Do I Do When Adsense Reject Me?


What you are about to read is for my friends in blogging who have been struggling so hard to get approve by AdSensethroughout the past year but seems not to have succeed. It is for those who have been rejected by AdSense over and over again.

I know when any blogger AdSense application is rejected; it’s a disappointing time for him. He/she feels very frustrated and at times many newbies quit blogging. Let me clear some air here, AdSense is not the end of your blogging career. Even if you don’t have any approved AdSense account, you can still make money heavily with your blog.

What Should I do When I’m Rejected By AdSense?
==>Stay Calm: AdSense is an advertiser centric network and to meet their advertisers demand, they need more publishers. But at the same time, to maintain their quality of ads and ad network, they accept only quality sites. Now, if your application is rejected, it means your blog is missing something and you need to work on it to make it better.

This is one of the reason, AdSense have 6 month old blog policy for getting an approved application, as 6 month is enough time for a Blogger to improve his blog. Don’t let AdSense rejection weigh you down. Don’t let it kill your motivation for blog.

==>Don’t Reapply Instantly: Actually, when AdSense reject an application, they usually mention reasons like “Insufficient content”, “copyrighted content”, “Url is not owned by you” etc. You need to understand what actually went wrong and how you can fix this. 

If it is Insufficient content, you need to know that your post must not be less than 300 words. Your content must be rich enough to always draw your readers back. And if its Ownership issues, you can always verify your site ownership with google webmaster and then reapply back. If its copyrighted material (Plagiarism), you’ll need to remove all the post you copied from other blogs and right a new rich post afresh. Most bloggers always miss this, copying a post is not wisdom, it is foolishness. If you want to copy, make sure you rewrite all the post.
So remove all copy post and reapply again.

==>Your Blog Design: Those of you that must have been rejected several times, you must have seen a message like this “difficult site navigation”, it simply means your design is hard to understand or will give your readers heartache. One of the mistake which I have seen many new blogger do is, they create a new blog with a crappy disgusting design, add few low content posts and then apply for AdSense. Believe you me, even if I’m AdSense, I won’t approve you because first impression last longer.

Your site design matters a lot. If you are on wordpress, use a professional wordress theme to set up your blog and if you are on blogspot, use a blogspot theme which is not only beautiful but also look professional.

==>Build More Traffic: I know traffic is very important in blogging. Without traffic, who will read your post? Don’t allow your traffic to come from only one source but majorly should be from search engine. Do you know you can get more traffic on Facebook… do you know you can advertise on Facebook for $1 and get more traffic to your blog. Do you know you can get more traffic on Nairaland… Don’t just narrow your traffic source to just BBM Channel or Facebook alone, but also work on your SEO before reapplying back for AdSense.

==>Read all Adsense rules, terms and condition: ADSENSE disapproved your application because, “your blog doesn’t meet their guidelines and fulfil all the criteria”. So, read all the conditions carefully and you will find your all mistakes and you can fix it in time.

==>Reapply for Adsense: if you’ve done the above carefully, you can then re-submit your application for adsense and watch your approval comes in lesser period.

Mind you, this is not the only way you can make money with your blog… Without Adsense, you can make money on your blog. 

What if I Tried The Above And I’m Still Not Accepted?
Then at this point, I’ll advice you opt in for UK Adsense account. Apply for UK Adsense account but you’ll need Two things;

1. A new Gmail account
2. Payoneer master card.

You need to register for a new gmail account that is not associated with any Adsense account at all and you also need to order for free Payoneer Master card. UK Google Adsense easily get approved, and with your Payoneer Master card, you can withdraw your money on any local ATM point.

How Can I Order For Payoneer Master Card?
Ordering for Payoneer Master card is absolutely free of charge and it will be deliver to your location in just 3 weeks. Once you’ve gotten your Payoneer Master card, you can then proceed to get your UK google Adsense account.

See more guide on ordering for Payoneer Master Card here.

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