For the past few days we’ve been speed testing 4G LTE network on our devices while codedly watching Etislat 4G LTE in ghost mode and wondering when it will come out of it. Earlier yesterday, users in some major cities reported seeing Etisalat 4G LTE active and live on their devices. See below the speed test;
The good news is that Etisalat 4G LTE is now Live in Lagos, I’m still waiting for other cities to confirm if its live in their locations or not. Etisalat sims are automatically USIM(Universal Subscriber Identity Module) which doesn’t need sim upgrade before it will work on 4G unlike its counterpart Glo and MTN where you’ll have to upgrade to 4G SIM.
Another good news is that, most 4G smartphones will supports Etisalat 4G LTE Network because it’s on a popular band. This is why I know that Glo 4G LTE is on a lonely planet; band 28 is forbidden on most 4G devices.
Etisalat has publicly announced this on their twitter handle... If I were you, I’ll just turn on my 4G network and scan for it. Those of you still using 3G phones, you are on a lonely planet with Glo Mobile.
#Remember, Etisalat 4GNeedNoSimSwap.
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