My Worst Apps of 2016


The wind of 2016 is about to roll away and we had bunch of apps that made their way to our homescreen. Some were excitedly over hyped while others were just bunch of mistake.

The year won’t be complete without mentioning the worst apps of 2016. Google launched two massively hyped apps that didn’t last upto a week before they were irrelevant. This is to tell you that it takes more than being a tech giant to survive in the mobile app world.

We also saw old favorites become cluttered and terrible. These are the worst apps of 2016.

Google Allo:
This app promised to revolutionize the way we chat with each other from out smartphone. Few days after launched, it recorded millions of download and so many people blindly forecasted that it will beat WhatsApp out of existence. Today reverse is the case. Google allo is dead and buried…with low rank.

Google Duo:
Launched side by side with Allo, Duo is a bare-bones video chat service that had little to offer. Hangouts, Skype, Snapchat, Facebook messenger and many other apps that you probably already use. This app recorded more than 10 million downloads few days after launch but today, it is not only on life support but about to be buried with 2016.

Lots of things pissed me off about this app, first of all it zaps phone battery like hell, zaps data like hell and it has first class degree in spreading faking news.  This app has the ability to spread false information on a massive scale.

I have deleted it from all my devices.

You may like it but I hate the discover section on snapchat. It has become a platform for the Kardashian family to violate you with their boobies and butts. Mixed in with the stories from your friends, these articles often contain nudity and borderline adult material fed right to the phones of children of all ages.
To make matter worst, it runs terribly on android... it can drain battery for Africa.

What are your worst apps of 2016?


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