Top 5 Exclusive Mobile App at TechPlus 2017


TechPlus Conference & Expo is Africa’s largest Tech gathering where new technology comes to life, new products are launched and innovation converges.

For TechPlus 2017, here are the Top 5 apps that made its debut at the tech event and will soon penetrate into Nigeria Mobile economy.

1. Ask An Expert

Ask An Expert was launched at the Techplus event on July 6 2017. The platform provides opportunity for people looking to get expert answers to any question troubling their minds.
Through the platforms, you can interact with any expert of your choosing live.

Depending on the expert, you may get to pay a token per every 10 mins you interact with the expert. The first ten minutes are free however but you also can find other experts who may be willing to provide you the information you need free of charge.

2. PINS:
PINS helps you to protect your phone from theft. With PINS installed on your smartphone, you can worry less about pickpockets.

Should any thief ‘corner’ your phone, the PINS app takes his picture as he fondles with it so that it can show you the picture of the thief and the exact location he may be with the phone.

Reach is a mobile solution launched by former Executive of electronic payment J.R Kanu at It is called a Group Savings solution and it basically helps you to track your spending. The app track your spending day by day, week by week and month by month.

The good aspect of it is that you don’t have to supply your bank account details, all you need supply are basic info such as your names, phone numbers and date of birth and you are good to go.

4. Maliyo Store:  
Though Maliyo is closely related with games but Maliyo has an app store. Maliyo has launched an app store for Nigerian app developers to get to the market.

So, if you are an app developer, you now have no excuse not to have your app in the market, Maliyo may be the next big thing to happen to Nigeria’s app economy.

5. Bounce News: is a news app machine learning system that delivers to you only what you want to read.

Once you download the app, you choose your preferences based on interests and the app has the commitment to only deliver those to you.



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