I have been using InterC for a while now which I subscribed for N17,500, and was able to accumulate upto 500GB… I only top up monthly with N1,490 to make sure that the leftover of the data don’t waste. I stayed with InterC because their 4G network is pretty fast in my location.
For the past 8 weeks, InterC network has been on and off (If I have my way, I’ll sue them for damages) and now, it sucks like hell because you can easily predict when it will be off but can’t predict when it will be back ON.
I equally subscribed to Airtel unlimited 10 package to augment and I can’t really say I’m enjoying it or not because at times its slow while some other time, it can be crazy fast.
Glo is still not fast in my location but some of you are currently rocking glo 0.0k with tweakware vpn and anonytun but it is really slow in my ends here; moreover, I work with PC all the time hence the disadvantage for me.
For the month of August alone, I have used 203 Gig of data and I seriously want to know which unlimited 3G/4G data you are using plus the network that is fast in your location. And if you are using free data to surf, kindly share with us using the comment box below.
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