WhatsApp is taking its 'Delete for Everyone' feature (one that lets users recall/delete their messages) to a new level.
You’ll recall that WhatsApp rolled out its most anticipated feature, 'Delete for Everyone', in 2017 that allowed over one billion users to revoke their messages in a private or group conversation.
The users could only delete messages for everyone for up to seven minutes after sending.
"Once seven minutes have passed, there is no way to delete messages for everyone," Facebook-owned WhatsApp had said in its updated FAQ.
This release is currently available for Android beta and would soon find its way to iOS and windows phone users.
WhatsApp had been working on this feature for almost a year.
Messages that the user successfully deletes for everyone will be replaced with "This message was deleted" in the recipients' chats.
Similarly, if a person happens to see "This message was deleted" in a chat, it means that the sender deleted their message for everyone.
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