As expected, WhatsApp the widely used instant messenger is constantly improving on its platform and now, updates are gradually rolling out to beta users.
WhatsApp is currently working on improving its Change number feature on iOS, Android and Windows phone. When someone gets a new number or changes his number on WhatsApp, it migrates the data to the new number preserving the chat history and will be automatically gets added to the groups that the old number is present and notifies group members.
With the latest feature rolling out, users now have the ability to choose if they want to notify some or all contacts. You can also choose to notify contacts you’ve chatted with. This is really a very handy feature to have when users change the number and want to notify their contacts.
Instead of notifying all contacts one after the other, you can choose the options to notify all your contacts or not to notify anyone at all… but groups you belong will always be notified about your number change. After your migration to a new number, all your chats history will be transferred to the new number.
Atleast, you can codedly change your number without notifying your whatsapp spy
The update is currently available for WhatsApp beta v2.18.97which you can download from Google Play store for Android. iOS and windows phone users will receive theirs in the next update.
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