This is just the breakdown of the activity of the recent updated WhatsApp Group features. WhatsApp for Android has been updated with a couple of new group-focused features.
There is the ability to let users add a descriptionto a group. This was debuted on the beta versions for WhatsApp for Android and Windows Phone. The app also includes an option to enable searching of group participants directly from the Group Info screen. Users can now also switch from a voice call to a video call, by tapping a button.
Group descriptions are available on the chat screen as a pinned box and are also visible when inviting someone via the group's invite link. The feature was initially a part of WhatsApp beta on Android and Windows phone, but now it’s made available to all WhatsApp users.
To add a description, go to Group Info screen and then tap Add group description option that is available below the group name. The description can notably be in as long as 512 characters.
You’ll also find a search bar on the Group Info screen that allows users to search the list of group participants. The updated WhatsApp for Android lastly includes an easy switching experience between voice and video calls. There is a video button that appears during voice calls to let users switch from a voice call to a video call.
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